Maintenance Services

Maintenance and Security

City Properties provides comprehensive maintenance services for every property under its management. The Maintenance and Security staff are trained to handle a variety of scenarios be they technical, structural or emergency in plumbing, electrical, painting, fitting, carpentry, air conditioning, fire and pest control services. City Properties Security and Maintenance staff is trained in a number of emergency and first aid techniques. Their ability is enhanced by the use of state-of-the-art and high-end communication technologies. Wide range walkie-talkies are used among a team of patrolling security and maintenance professionals through a variety of property locations. A control centre at City Properties offices monitors all calls for security and maintenance requests so that rapid, urgent or emergency responses may be provided to all of City Properties managed estates and their residing tenants.

Call Center

Are receiving complaints through the company's call centre around day to give our customers the highest quality of maintenance services, security and cleanliness throughout the week and without interruption, however skilled and as soon as possible.

Customer can register Online complaints and follow up himself and online observe working progress against the Complaints through the Our Web site, which explains the Typical model of the unit's own housing by using own username and Password provided by City Properties Real Estate.

Emergency repairs

The Alternate person from management receives all complaints for emergency case in the official holidays,to our distinctive service to coverage around the clock during weekdays all together